The greens bed is looking particularly good this year.
On the right on the top and bottom are radishes. Also on the right are two lettuces - Black Seeded Simpson and Merlot. Both are cut-and-come-again varieties, so I can snip what I need and more will grow from the root. They should last until about the 4th of July, depending on how hot it gets.
What I'm most excited about, though, is the spinach, in two rows on the left. I've planted spinach for the past five years or so, and this will be the first year I'll harvest anything significant before it bolts.
Why is the spinach doing so well this year? I wish I could say it's because of something I've done, but I doubt it. The only thing I did differently this year was plant the seed thickly in the rows. All my books say to plant spinach 2" apart, but this year I had old seed and was running out of time, so I made two 1/2" furrows and put in lots of seed.
I think, though, the main reason the spinach is doing well this year is because it's been a cool spring. Here in Minnesota, we can go from frozen ground to temperatures in the 80's in about a month - not the best growing weather for spinach. This year, though, the temperatures have stayed moderate, in the 60's and 70's, so the spinach is able to grow slowly.
The first salad should be this weekend. I'm looking forward to it!