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June 03, 2008



Hi Tracy,
Have you tried this before?
I've got 3 garbage cans planted with potatoes this year. They're doing great--at least if the leaves growing above the top of the cans already is any indication.
I'll be watching for updates on the project from you.


I really can't wait to see how these do for you, Tracy. Because I'm copying you next year if it works! :) (Thanks for being my guinea pig... *grin*)


I can't wait to see how this turns out. I did this myself after reading your blog post about it.....instead of using dirt though I'm going to try it with straw as I have lots more straw than I do good dirt!

Greg W

What a marvelous idea! I don't know if it is too late but I think I'll start some tomorrow. I already have two empty cans and lots of compost.

Never grown potatoes before so this is going to be interesting.

Thanks for sharing. I'll be watching for updates.

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