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May 15, 2008


Joyce LaGow

Fred would give an ear and more to be able to play with other dogs. We just don't have any who want to play in our area, which is why he settles for bulls and horses. Fortunately, he has Lucy but she really isn't enough.

What a wonderful time for Brix!


Now THAT looks like a whole lot of puppy fun! And the veggie garden in the previous post looks gorgeous with the stone edging.


That Brix is such a cutie! Looks like a lot of fun--for people and dogs!


Joyce: I think Brix would like to give those bulls and horses a try.

Kim: Thanks - I really love the stonework in the garden.

Ruth: It was really a very fun time.


Wow, I saw your picture of Brix and he looks like my dog Cheyenne. We got Chey from a rescue group in Oregon and cannot figure out her heritage. Her ears are very sinew-y, so my vet thought she might have some Shar-Pei in her. Someone bob'd her tail, and badly. She has been through a lot in her life, but is now secure and well loved. Very attached to us. Do you know Brix' breed? Kathleen

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