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February 05, 2007



What is your opinion of the heirlooms, overall? I grew the heirloom yellow pear and got about four of them in a nine month growing season! That mortgage lifter never lifter anything for me and some of the Brandywines are just squatters!! Maybe the Northern Zones have better luck???
Let me know if you find a source for the myccorhizal!!


Sissy: I enjoy growing heirlooms, however I really only started last year. Until then, I always purchased plants from the garden center, most of which were hybrids. Last year I started all my plants from seed, so I branched out. I grew both heirlooms and hybrids last year, and I would say that my success or failure was more due to each individual variety, not whether they were heirlooms or not. For me, 2006 had it's own problems, though which had nothing to with heirloom or hybrid - just water and temperature.

As for the yellow pears, I'm really surprised that you haven't had luck with them. I've grown them for about 8-9 years, and I can depend on them for lots of fruit. The ones I'm growing are the little cherry size, though, not full-size.

On the mycchorhizal fungi, I've seen it in a couple of catalogs - Johnny's and Territorial.


Thanks for the recap! I MUST put in a plug for Gardener's Delight red cherry tomatoes, and Sungold yellow cherry tomatoes, I love them both, they are prolific and delicious. Even though Sun Gold, according to Fedco, are from a company that does dabble in genetic engineering, I'm a junkie and can't give up on them. They are fabulous!

This year I'm odering: Orange Banana, Amish Paste, & Green Zebra from Fedco, and Pineapple, Sun Gold, & Gardener's Delight from Pine Tree Garden Seeds. Still under consideration: Cosmonaut Volkov, Black Krim, and Garden Peach. And I'm of course open to suggestions!


Ali: I was planning on trying Sun Gold this year, but I didn't know about the GMO connection . . . . Hmmmm. Your choices look wonderful!

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